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In the eye of GES

Wild and untamed, the blues rock amazon queen is back to bewitch us and thrills us during one of those musical strolls she alone has the secret of. If with nice girls we are sure to go to paradise and with bad ones to hell with a smile, this year, Beth Hart will lead us directly to nirvana, where the blues puts on rock colors for enhanced wonderful sensations ...
* Starting times (times are subject to change)


Through the window of our minds, moving music sometimes creeps in, creating in us raw, wild, almost animal emotions, melodies that carry the only unspoken words capable of taking us towards another life, whatever that one is. There, with us unaware of it, a voice comes to touch us in the heart, halting the minutes that fray at high speed and give us a suspended moment, a brief sense of immortality that only music, when it is perfectly executed, can promise us. Very few have the ability to suspend our time this way, make our hearts dance, and Beth Hart is definitly one of them!
With her warm and caressing voice, for over twenty-five years, she has been able, better than anyone else, to unleash sublime internal wars inside us, strolling effortlessly as it seems on blues and rock, on soul, folk, jazz or gospel, to better capture us and make our bodies burn. How indeed to resist this incredible powerful voice, capable to reach the depths of the blues and, the next second, to be so soft, tangy, walking gently the country where our souls live, and then again knocking us out with a rock uppercut before soothing us with a gospel full of vibrating emotions.
Charting her course on her own, even though she collaborates from time to time to a title or an album with artists such as Slash (Guns'N'Roses), Deep Purple or Joe Bonamassa, Beth Hart takes pleasure in breaking the codes, playing with the clichés of the genre, in turn femme fatale, straight out from a film noir, sensual rocker or muse from some remote era in which reigned (almost) total freedom, in playing with her voice, a real kaleidoscope of sounds with its three octaves and its ease of switching from one tone to another while improvising, free to give us high doses of beautiful chills. How sweet it is to be able to let yourself drown in her deep blue eyes and consider, lulled by her sublime and intense melodies, that you should not be that far from paradise! ... How pleasant it is to think that this great lady of blues rock has decided to come and make the thunder of her voice roar for the second time on Guitare en Scène's stage, to blast us again with blues rock blasts!... With Beth Hart and her spelling voice at Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, it is very likely that time will stop on this Saturday night on Earth!
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